Our Brands

McLanahan Family of Companies

McLanahan家族公司包括许多品牌,这些品牌在各自的市场上以自己的身份运营,同时分享和坚持McLanahan的价值观, reputation and vision for the future. With these brands, McLanahan继续为越来越多的市场提供服务, 强调可靠性和无与伦比的客户服务.


Founded in 1835, McLanahan公司是家族企业的第五代和第六代领导人,仍然坚持安全的价值观, 家族和诚信使小型铸造厂转变为工艺解决方案的全球领导者.

McLanahan serves many industries, including the aggregates, dairy and mining, and provides solutions for bedding management, crushing, dewatering, feeding, fines recovery, manure mangement, mixing/blending, mobile equipment, sampling, screening/sizing, scrubbing, tailings management, and washing and classifying.

Backed by years of process experience and knowledge, McLanahan为每台机器的使用寿命提供服务和支持. 了解更多关于麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全和我们丰富的历史,请访问我们的 About Us and History pages.


1872年,乔治·奥尔曼和劳伦斯·奥尔曼兄弟在得梅因创立了鹰铁厂, Iowa, 现已成为集料行业洗涤、分级设备的领军企业之一. 乔治的儿子泰德•奥尔曼(Ted Aulmann)在20世纪50年代和60年代的大规模扩张中管理着这家公司. 1972年,泰德的女婿安德鲁·克兰茨接任公司总裁. Eagle Iron Works一直是家族企业,直到2011年他97岁退休.

2012年11月,McLanahan Corporation收购了Eagle Iron Works的资产. As EIW, McLanahan延续了Eagle Iron Works所熟知的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全耐用性和质量的悠久历史, while incorporating McLanahan's values, service and support. 作为McLanahan家族公司的一部分,EIW提供工程,支持,备件等. For more on Eagle Iron Works, please visit www.eagleironworks.com.


Anaconda Equipment International由Alistair Forsyth和Martin Quinn于2008年创立. Since then, 公司已成为全球知名的紧凑型轨道筛分机的领导者, recycling, loading and conveying equipment for the aggregate, organics and recycling industries.

With a manufacturing facility in County Tyrone, 北爱尔兰和贝灵汉的全方位服务配送中心, Mass., 蟒蛇设备设计和建造他们的轨道安装设备的最高标准. 他们的设备通过他们广泛的经销商网络运往世界各地, 他们已经赢得了提供优质服务和支持的声誉, which lies at the heart of the company’s culture.

McLanahan于2017年开始与Anaconda Equipment合作, 他们于2019年初正式加入麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全家族公司. For more information on Anaconda Equipment, please visit www.anacondaequipment.com.


In 2022, McLanahan added U.K. company RubbleCrusher to its family of companies. A division of CMB International, which McLanahan also acquired in 2022, RubbleCrusher提供一系列紧凑的破碎设备,旨在为建筑和拆除回收行业提供零废物解决方案. RubbleCrusher系列包括模块化撬装颚式破碎机和拖车装移动式颚式破碎机,用于立即生产已收集的材料.

For more information about RubbleCrusher, visit www.rubblecrusher.com.


In 2023, McLanahan signed an agreement to acquire Diefenbach, an Italian manufacturer of filter presses and thickeners. Founded in 1907 in Medolago, Italy, 迪芬巴赫一直为世界各地的各种行业和广泛的应用提供液固分离设备.

For more information about Diefenbach, visit diefenbach.com.

Legacy Brands

At McLanahan Corporation, 我们努力不断提高我们的能力,帮助客户更好地利用他们的资源. 帮助进一步扩大公司的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全和服务范围, McLanahan has strategically acquired several companies. 每次收购都是为了更好地为客户服务. The following acquisitions have been made:

CMB International Limited - 2022

In 2022, McLanahan acquired CMB International Limited. Established in the U.K. 在1996年由马丁布劳填补需要的质量服务和支持干加工设备在采石场行业, 收购CMB国际带来了该公司著名的破碎机生产线, Screens and Feeders to McLanahan. CMB现在是McLanahan设备系列中的一个品牌.

Universal Engineering Corporation - 2012

On Jan. 1, 2012, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全正式收购锡达拉皮兹市通用工程公司, Iowa. Founded in 1906, Universal brought an extensive line of rugged, durable feeders and crushers to the McLanahan line, including Apron Feeders, Vibrating Feeders, Wobbler Feeders, Jaw Crushers, Impact Crushers and more. In addition to this recognized line, McLanahan还获得了在该设备方面具有广泛背景的知识渊博和才华横溢的员工. Today, 环球是菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全旗下的一个品牌,并继续为客户提供他们所期望的世界级菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全和服务.

LPT Group - 2001

McLanahan于2001年收购了Linatex北美的设备部门,并在Gallatin成立了当时被称为LPT集团的公司, Tenn. LPT集团的加入增加了一条成熟的湿砂加工设备生产线, including equipment such as Dewatering Screens, Pumps; Hydrocyclones and Separators™; Hydrosizers™; Flat Bottom Classifiers and more. Since the acquisition, LPT集团的名字已经解散,该集团继续形成McLanahan现代湿加工生产线的骨干. Today, LPT的工程师和销售专家仍然是McLanahan公司的重要组成部分,能够在各种湿加工应用中提供专业知识.

HSS Sampling - 1998

HSS Sampling Systems, 凭借其完整的准确和备受推崇的采样解决方案, was acquired in 1998. HSS Sampling Systems developed Single and Multi-Stage Sampling Systems. 他们对满足客户标准和设计法规的承诺迅速使他们成为美国最受尊敬的采样设备之一. McLanahan收购了HSS采样,以帮助他们为客户提供更完整的处理系统. 矿产生产商现在可以到菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全购买采集高度精确样本的系统. 在McLanahan的领导下,这条线已经扩展到包括其他类型的 sampling crushers and sample processing solutions.

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Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.